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Graduate Fellowships

The Ronald and Maxine Linde Institute of Economic and Management Sciences sponsors graduate fellowships in its areas of research concentration. Faculty can recommend candidates for fellowships lasting up to two quarters.

Past Fellows

  • Alena Buinskaya (PhD '24 expected)
  • Jun Chen (PhD '18); dissertation: Essays on Early-stage Financing and Firm Behavior
  • Khai Xiang Chiong (PhD '15); dissertation: Essays in Social and Economic Networks
  • Polina Detkova (PhD '25 expected)
  • Marcelo Fernandez (PhD '18); dissertation: Essays on Market Design
  • Sumit Goel (PhD '23); dissertation: Essays in Mechanism Design and Contest Theory
  • Shunto Kobayashi (PhD '24); dissertation: Essays in Empirical Industrial Organization
  • Tatiana Mayskaya (PhD '17); dissertation: Essays on Information Collection
  • Myungkoo Song (PhD '17); dissertation: Essays on the Impact of Information Asymmetry
  • Pengfei Sui (PhD '18); dissertation: Essays on Investor Beliefs and Asset Pricing
  • Jun Zhang (PhD '17); dissertation: Essays on Matching Theory